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Support Masjid Waarith ud Deen

As salaamu 'alaykum

Thank you for visiting our website and your intent to support MWD.

Your contributions allow us to continue our work in the community. 

Masjid Waarith ud Deen is a 501c3, all contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


Capital Campaign

Masjid Waarith ud Deen, your community masjid since 1984 has purchased land in Irvington, New Jersey on which it intends to build a new masjid and community center.  This institution is intended to provide a central home for our families and community to serve The One G_d, preserve, propagate, and teach the truth that He has revealed to all people, and to raise society to higher stations of dignity and success.

We Invite You to Join Us

Our goal is to have the construction of the facility completed and operational by 2024. Insha'Allah


Zakaat or Sadaqa

Zakat is the third of the five pillars of Islam is built on. The Muslim, the believer in Islam, fulfills it by paying a set sum in yearly alms (mostly 2.5 percent) out of his or her prescribed forms of surplus wealth. 

Sadaqah, as a person’s freewill offering for the sake of God, is utterly crucial both in the world — for our relations, neighbors, and fellows in humanity — and for the

everlasting disposition of our own souls in the coming Afterlife.

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