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- EVENTS | Masjid WaarithudDeen
Current & Upcoming Events As Salaamu Alaikum! We pray you and your loved ones are well! On this page, you'll find upcoming Masjid Waarith ud Deen and Community events. Insha'Allah. Be sure to review our calendar and ongoing events listed below. Events This Friday and Every Friday, bring your spare change to Jumu'ah. #CapitalCampaignFund ILA Community Center 19 Fenwick Street, Newark, N.J. 07114 PAST EVENTS Call or Text Now ~ This Week ~ Salat-ul Jumu'ah Live Stream
- SUPPORT US | Masjid Waarith ud Deen
Support Masjid Waarith ud Deen As salaamu 'alaykum Thank you for visiting our website and your intent to support MWD. Your contributions allow us to continue our work in the community. Masjid Waarith ud Deen is a 501c3, all contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Capital Campaign Masjid Waarith ud Deen, your community masjid since 1984 has purchased land in Irvington, New Jersey on which it intends to build a new masjid and community center. This institution is intended to provide a central home for our families and community to serve The One G_d, preserve, propagate, and teach the truth that He has revealed to all people, and to raise society to higher stations of dignity and success. We Invite You to Join Us Our goal is to have the construction of the facility completed and operational by 2024. Insha'Allah Learn More Zakaat or Sadaqa Zakat is the third of the five pillars of Islam is built on. The Muslim, the believer in Islam, fulfills it by paying a set sum in yearly alms (mostly 2.5 percent) out of his or her prescribed forms of surplus wealth. Sadaqah, as a person’s freewill offering for the sake of God, is utterly crucial both in the world — for our relations, neighbors, and fellows in humanity — and for the everlasting disposition of our own souls in the coming Afterlife. Make a contribution Donate Now
- RESOURCES | Masjid WaarithudDeen
Resources We are dedicated to providing our community with the information they need to assist them in a healthy, productive, and enlightened life. Below you will find a variety of resources to enhance your daily lives spiritually, intellectually and physically. MORNING JOE A discussion on Passover, Easter and Ramadan Contact Us As Salaamu Alaikum FILL IN YOUR DETAILS AND WE WILL CONTACT YOU. I want to stay connected! Subscribe me to your email communication list. Submit Thank you for your submission! Contact Form
- PROGRAMS & SERVICES | Masjid Waarith ud Deen
PROGRAMS & SERVICES PROGRAMS Health and Wellness Our Health & Wellness program offers various initiatives to the community to empower them towards a well-rounded healthy lifestyle. Through sponsored events, collaborations with health experts, distribution of health resource materials, workshops, presentations, grab & go meals, and the encouragement of daily exercise and healthy diets, we guide the community in living a healthy mental, emotional, and physical life. Our health warriors are also actively involved in providing personal services such as visiting, calls, meals, transportation, and more to those in need. To adapt to the current circumstances surrounding Covid19, and ensure the health and safety of the community, we currently offer many of our services via online platforms or require all Covid19 safety precautions for in-person activity. If you would like to receive services or participate in our Health & Wellness program, please contact our program coordinator at or complete our online contact form . Qur'anic & Islamic Studies for Community Life Development Held the first Sunday of every month. Interactive community study and discussion for learning life applications of; Al-Qur’an; the ‘Uswa & Sunnah of Muhammed the Prophet (sas); and the commentary/insights of Imam W. Deen Mohammed (raa). Women’s Programs, Events, and Projects Committee (WPEP) SERVICES Aqeeqah - Naming Ceremony for new born babies While the practice may vary somewhat within each culture, it is encouraged to perform a Naming Ceremony for new born babies as a traditional form of welcoming the child to the community. The ceremony includes announcing a pleasant name for the newborn, reciting the Adhaan (Call to Prayer) in the right ear and the Iqaamah (Standing for Prayer) in the left ear. Feeding the child something naturally sweet such as honey or dates, cutting the hair, and slaughtering and preparing a lamb or two for feeding it to the guests. Performing the 'Aqeeqah is a an expression of gratitude by the family and community for G-d's Blessings to be on the child as he or she grows. Janaazah - Burial/Funeral Services for a Muslim It is the responsibility of a group of respected members of the Muslim Community to perform the final services for a Muslim upon his or her passing. Those services will include Ghusl (ceremonial washing) and Kafn (shrouding) whenever possible. After the body of the deceased is prepared, a funeral prayer (Janaaza) is performed in which there is no Adhaan or Iqaamah (call or announcement to stand) and no Rukuu'u (bowing) or Sujuud (prostrating). The prayer is conducted in an upright standing position (Qiyaam) and contains four Takbeers (glorifications of G-d) followed by supplications and concludes with a salutation or Tasleem of "Peace be upon you and the Mercy of G-d". Nikkah - Marriage Ceremony for a woman and a man Marriage is the cornerstone of Islamic Society and religious obligation. It is a legal social contract between a woman and a man. A legal covenant consisting of Ijab (Willing consent) and Qabul (Acceptance) is agreed to by the bride and the groom on the basis of their faith in G-d and free will. The groom must offer a Mahr (free gift) to the bride as a sign of his ability and willingness to care for and maintain her livelihood and well-being. Additional agreed upon terms, conditions, and responsibilities may be written into the contract. Marriage & Family Counseling
- Al-Islam’s Beliefs | Masjid Waarith ud Deen | Newark
With Allah's Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer As Salaamu ‘Alaykum – Peace be upon you! Ahlaan Wa Sahlaan – Welcome! “Those who listen to the Word and follow the best (meaning) of it: Those are the ones whom G-d has guided and those are the ones endued with understanding.” Surah Az-Zumar (The Companions) – 39:18 Welcome On behalf of the members of Masjid Waarith ud Deen it gives me great pleasure and honor to welcome you to our site. We hope that your visit will be rewarding and inspire you to become a part of our community. Please take some time to review our many services and feel free to contact us should you have any questions or want to learn more. I hope you are able to gain a sense of the welcoming community of Masjid Waarith ud Deen, the spirit that brings us together, and the vision we aim to realize for the growth and development of our greater community and all its members. With peace and sincere best regards, Imam Wahy-ud Deen Shareef Al-Islam’s basic beliefs and principles of practice. 1. Belief in Allah (The One G-d) Who has created everything: a power greater than us. We love, regard, respect, fear and are in awe of that power and turn to that power for help. 2. Belief in His Angels The medium through which or by which the message reached the prophets from G-d is called Angels. The agents or mediums in G-d's creation that He uses to serve Him in the preservation of the order of His creation, which includes man, the most advanced of creatures. 3. Belief in His Books Revealed scriptures to the Messengers of G-d, which include the Torah, Injeel (Gospel), Psalms and Qur'an. These Books or written messages are the teachings of the prophets. They serve as an explanation for how and why messages come to the prophets. The Messengers explain that these messages come to them by way of angels. 4. Belief in His Messengers (Messengers of G-d) Faith in G-d requires that we also have faith in all the messengers of G-d. Messengers are the ones who represent G-d's word or G-d's Message to us. e.g. Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Isa (Jesus). - Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final prophet. 5. Belief in the Last Day & Life After Death The last day, the end or the final stage. We believe there is an end to our lives and to this creation. Everything that G-d began, He will conclude. We believe in the conclusion of things. G-d has established that this conclusion is not the end of hope; it is the hope of the faithful that there is a just and excellent reward that starts and extends beyond this life. 6. Belief in Reward and Punishment The Universal Law of G-d that rewards good and punishes evil. Whatever we do of good, we will be rewarded for it and whatever we do that is not good we will reap the consequence of that. The scientific ordinance created by G-d is the universal law or system of order that operates in nature. Principles/Pillars of Practice Declaration of Faith (Shahaada) Testimony or open witness that the first job of the Biblical and Qur'anic Prophets was to establish that there is but One G-d. We accept the One Universal Truth (Allah) and we bear witness that this Reality exist independent of, but in support of everything else. That Truth has witness bearers (Prophets & Messengers) that bring the Truth to people. We recognize that this Truth has now come to us when we recognize that Muhammad is the Messenger of G-d. Prayer (Salaat) Prayer is five times daily for Muslims facing the Ka’bah in Makkah. It is a demonstration and exercise of total obedience to G-d. Man is superior to anything that his mind might suggest for him to worship other than G-d. The worship of Allah dignifies you, but the worship of anything else shames you. Poor Due / Charity (Zakaat) The 3rd pillar or commandment of Al-Islam is charity or “ZAKAAT”. You should sacrifice a part of Allah's wealth, which He has blessed you to hold, in the way of charity to help those who are less fortunate. Zakaat is also a universal institution. It not only means going into your pocket to get money for those who need it, it means going into your heart and into your mind to get something to give to those that need it. Fasting (Sawm) The 4th pillar of Al Islam is to fast, especially in the “Blessed” month of Ramadan. Fasting is not new. All of the Prophets of G-d fasted. “Ramadan” is an Arabic word, which means, “heat” or “burning”. When a person is fasting, he is under the burning heat of appetite. But while the Muslim is under this burning heat, a resistance to heat is building up in him. The muscles of his willpower build up under the test of the desire to satisfy his want and during Ramadan Muslims are reconditioned for the rest of the next year. Pilgrimage (Hajj) The 5th pillar of Al Islam is pilgrimage: the Believer is to make the pilgrimage (Hajj) to the Ka’bah in Makkah at least once in his or her lifetime if he/she is healthy and able to afford the journey. This rite demonstrates the Oneness of humanity with a common origin and a destiny for human life under One G-d. Ramadan - Sawm Jumu'ah Friday is called The Day of Assembly or Yawm al Jumu'ah. Muslims gather for congregational worship during the Friday midday prayer. Jumu’ah is not a “sabbath” on which no work is done; rather, Muslims take just enough time off from work or school to attend a service at a neighborhood masjid. The Friday prayer is commanded by G-d in the Qur’an: “Oh you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (The Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if you but knew!” (Surah 62:9, King Fahd trans.) The Friday prayer is exactly like the ritual prayers, or salat, performed during the rest of the week, except that on Friday the Imam or prayer leader delivers a two-part sermon known as the khutbah, with a pause between the two parts of the sermon to allow for a time of personal prayer, or du’a. Join us for Jumu'ah! contact
- RAMADAN / EID INFO | Masjid WaarithudDeen
RAMADAN & EID INFORMATION 2023 Ramadan & Eid information will be updated as soon as information becomes available. Learn about Ramadan
- ABOUT | Masjid Waarith ud Deen
About Us Located in the Garden State of Northern New Jersey Masjid Waarith ud Deen (MWD) serves as an Islamic community institution, guided by G-d’s Words as expressed in the message of the Holy Quran. We witness that this message of guidance in the Quran is universal, eternal and applies to every life form. We witness that Muhammad, The Prophet (may prayers and peace be upon him), is the Messenger of G-d who delivered that message and is the most excellent human example of how it is to be lived. We believe in the Oneness of G-d and we will work to establish, maintain, and grow community life proclaiming in word and deed that there is only One G-d and one human family. MWD resolves to work in support of the dynamic leadership of Imam W. Deen Muhammad (1933 - 2008), may Allah be pleased with him. Since Muslims and Christians together constitute over fifty percent of the world, if they live in peace we will be halfway to achieving world peace. We pray that our website will provide you with information that benefits your mind, body, and spirit. Masjid Waarith ud Deen (MWD) is a 501 c 3 non-profit religious organization. History Masjid Waarith ud Deen (MWD) was incorporated in 2003. Our beginnings are rooted in the establishment of the Religious Affairs Department of Waris Cultural Research and Development Center, a faith-based non profit community institution co-founded by Wahy-ud Deen Shareef, who has served as the Imam since 1984. At the time of its establishment, Waris and MWD were located in Irvington, NJ. Members of Masjid Waarith ud Deen have and continue to provide educational, social and cultural services to the residents of all of New Jersey. MWD has a rich history and a growing leadership role in the area of interfaith engagement locally, nationally and internationally. Imam Shareef and our MWD members have an expanding relationship and hold extensive engagements with the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities. Some of our historical portfolio of services includes such programs as; weekend school education programming; New-Africa Free Lunch programming, Sadaqa Day or a day of charitable clean-up neighborhood services; scholarship programs for students from schools in Newark, Irvington, East Orange, Orange and other neighboring towns. MWD’s social, educational, cultural and spiritual services are designed to meet the needs, enhance capacity, and develop the full potential of the individual, the family and the community. MWD still offers several virtual educational, spiritual, and social programs. We intend and aim to continue to expand our physical, spiritual, social, educational, cultural, business, and social programming and operations to the neighbors and the community in and around the newly proposed facility location. Mission Masjid Waarith ud Deen will establish societal growth and development by cultivating excellence and virtue in the human character. We will work for peace, productivity, prosperity and the promise of G-d in a comprehensive community life plan, proclaiming in words and deeds the universal message of Al-Islam; that there is but One G-d, and Muhammed ibn Abdullah is His Messenger (G-d’s prayers and peace be upon him), and there is one human family. We pledge to work to fulfill the vision and goals for community development initiated by our leader Imam W. Deen Mohammed (G-d’s mercy be upon him). Vision Masjid Waarith ud Deen aims to be a complete community consisting of people and institutions who embrace Al-Islam as a complete code of life patterned to work for the benefit and good of all people, for all times. Board of Trustees Imam Wahy-ud Deen Shareef Imam/Board Abdul-Lateef Sabir Board Hassana Shaw Board Labeeb Abdullah Board Mikal Nash Board Mubeen Shabazz Board Sha' Al Hadi Khalif Board Board of Advisors Khateebs Abdullah Hameed Advisor Fatima Turner Advisor G. Zaidah Bilali Advisor Jamal Majied Advisor Rashidah N. Hasan Advisor Tahirah Sharif Advisor Ron Wedlock Advisor Sutanah Whitfield Advisor
- CAPITAL CAMPAIGN | Masjid WaarithudDeen
Capital Campaign Al-hamdulillah (The Praise and Thanks Belong to G_d)! Masjid Waarith ud Deen, your community masjid since 1984 has purchased land in Irvington, New Jersey on which it intends to build a new masjid and community center. This institution is intended to provide a central home for our families and community to serve The One G_d, preserve, propagate, and teach the truth that He has revealed to all people, and to raise society to higher stations of dignity and success. Considering the current social climate, our coming together to organize and implement community services is vital to the well-being and advancement of our society. Your contribution and support of our Capital Campaign (the construction and development of the facility) is an expression of the love we share for the legacy Al-Islam. It also demonstrates how, the Muslim Community, can place faith in the true goodness, beauty and excellence that we all pray to establish. We Invite You to Join Us Our goal is to have the construction of the facility completed and operational by 2022. Your support is needed to make this possible. We hope you share our vision for this institution and what it will bring to the community. Please consider making a generous donation to ensure this center is created that brings happiness and satisfaction to those who truly love Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the Leaders of the Muslims, and the Community of People. We hope that you will make Masjid Waarith ud Deen your place of worship and Community Home. Donate Now Preliminary Building Plans Donate Now
- Salat-ul Jumu'ah Video Archive | Masjid WaarithudDeen
Salat-ul Jumu'ah Video Archive May 12, 2023 Khateeb: Topic: May 5, 2023 Khateeb: Topic: April 28, 2023 Khateeb: Topic: April 14, 2023 Khateeb: Topic: April 7, 2023 Khateeb: Topic: March 31, 2023 Khateeb: Topic: March 24, 2023 Khateeb: Topic:
- 12th Annual Reflections on the Legacy of Imam W. Deen Mohammed at Princeton University | Masjid WaarithudDeen
< Back 12th Annual Reflections on the Legacy of Imam W. Deen Mohammed at Princeton University Guest lecturer Dr. Fatimah Fanusie discusses the CRAID movement and Racial Idolatry and its Antidote in Historical Context. As Salaamu Alaikum! Join us Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:30 pm at Princeton University, NJ for the 12th Annual Reflections on the Legacy of Imam W. Deen Mohammed. Register at Our national conversations about structural and institutional racism link both to white supremacy without understanding what white supremacy actually is: a concept rooted in racial idolatry. Guest speaker Dr. Fatimah Fanusie examines the pioneering role of Imam W. Deen Mohammed and the Committee to Remove All Images that Attempt to Portray the Divine (CRAID) movement, which offers a clearer understanding of racism and its solution. Co-sponsored by Princeton MLP and Masjid Waarith Ud Deen Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 7:30 PM EST Princeton University, Computer Science Building, 104, 35 Olden Street (Between William St and Prospect Ave), Princeton, NJ Register at Previous Next
- BLOG | Masjid WaarithudDeen
Welcome to Masjid Waarith ud Deen's Blog All Posts Log in / Sign up Masjid Waarith ud Deen 3 min Africans and the Question of Race by Mikal Naeem Nash, 9-21-22 In 1962 people realized the impact of the airplane, a relatively new form of technology barely a... 19 views 1 comment Post not marked as liked